For Liaisons and Adjudicators

Mandatory Training for OEO Liaisons and Title IX Adjudicators
Tufts’ Office of Equal Opportunity (OEO) provides mandatory training twice a year for all OEO Liaisons and Adjudicators.
Trainings cover relevant topics such as: definitions of prohibited conduct (sexual harassment, sexual assault, dating violence, domestic violence and stalking), affirmative consent, federal regulatory frameworks (Title IX, Clery, VAWA), new regulations (both state and federal), reporting, and investigation protocol and processes.
Trainings take place in either a confidential Zoom or in-person environment that includes lecture, small group discussions, and other interactive activities.
Interested in becoming an OEO Liaison or Adjudicator?
If you would like to learn more about becoming an OEO Liaison or Title IX Adjudicator, you can check out the OEO Liaisons and Adjudicators page or contact