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Policy Statement

Unlawful discrimination and sexual violence violate the University’s core values, including its commitment to community safety, equal opportunity and inclusion, and will not be tolerated.

The Title IX Policy comports with the federal requirements implemented under the Trump Administration.  These Title IX regulations define prohibited conduct as “sexual harassment” further defined as sexual assault, stalking, dating/domestic violence and/or unwelcome conduct determined by a reasonable person to be so severe, pervasive, and objectively offensive that it effectively denies a person equal access to the recipient’s education program or activity, including quid pro quo sexual harassment.

Sexual harassment, sexual assault, dating violence, domestic violence and stalking are prohibited by the Title IX Policy and violate Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972.  As a recipient of federal funding critical to supporting the University’s mission, Tufts complies with Title IX.  Title IX applies to the University’s programs or activities, including admissions and employment.

Retaliation is also a violation of this Title IX Policy and other University Policies.  Retaliation as a result of an individual filing a report or complaint, testifying, assisting or participating in or refusing to participate in any manner in an investigation, proceeding or hearing afforded by the Title IX regulations is unlawful and against this policy.

Title IX Process

OEO responds to any conduct made known to the University’s Title IX Coordinator by any responsible employee, reporter or impacted party, or to any university official authorized to take corrective action under this Policy (which at Tufts includes the Title IX Coordinator and any OEO investigator).  If the conduct of concern does not meet the definitions under this policy, the University reserves the right to address the behavior under different policies, including the University’s Sexual Misconduct Policy and associated formal and informal process options.

Once OEO receives a report from a complainant or impacted party regarding allegations under this policy, the Ti IX Coordinator or their designee will promptly contact the individual to:

Depending on the individual’s wishes and the Assessment of the Allegations, the Formal Complaint may lead to an informal or formal process. While the informal and formal options (PDF) require the filing of a Formal Complaint, supportive measures will be available to a complainant or impacted party regardless of whether a formal complaint is filed.

Complainants or impacted parties may also choose to file a Formal Complaint and request an informal or a formal process against the respondent(s) at issue pursuant to the University’s Title IX adjudication process entitled SMAP-X.  To do so, the complainant will initiate the process by filling out a Complaint Form and submitting the completed, signed form to the Title IX Coordinator or by filing an Ethicspoint complaint.  Please see the SMAP-X for the process which will apply to violations alleged under this policy and will be decided based on a preponderance of the evidence standard.  Please also note that conduct prohibited by the University’s Sexual Misconduct Policy, which remains an applicable code of sex and gender based conduct for all Tufts community members may also overlap with conduct alleged under this policy.  The SMAP-X describes how overlapping policy matters will be adjudicated for students and employees, respectively, and what notifications will be provided at the appropriate times depending on the various options (See Timeline.)

Reporting options and Resources and Support options for individuals affected by sexual misconduct are listed in Section IV of the University’s Sexual Misconduct Policy, on the OEO website at:  and on the University’s Center for Awareness, Resources and Education (CARE)’s website at:

Title IX Coordinator

The University’s Title IX Coordinator is Jill Zellmer who may be contacted at any time at: or at: 617.627.3298. Ms. Zellmer is also the Executive Director of the University’s Office of Equal Opportunity (OEO).  The Title IX Coordinator may designate a member of the OEO team to respond and review matters involving impacted parties.