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Title IX Policy (Reinstated Jan. 10, 2025)

Unlawful discrimination and sexual violence has no place at Tufts University. It violates the University’s core values, including its commitment to community safety, equal opportunity and inclusion, and will not be tolerated. Sexual harassment, sexual assault, dating violence, domestic violence and stalking is prohibited by this policy and violates Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972.  As a recipient of federal funding critical to supporting the University’s mission, Tufts complies with Title IX.  Title IX applies to the University’s programs or activities, including admissions and employment. Retaliation is also a violation of this Title IX Policy and other University Policies.  Retaliation as a result of an individual filing a report or complaint, testifying, assisting or participating in or refusing to participate in any manner in an investigation, proceeding or hearing afforded by the Title IX regulations is unlawful and against this policy.


The Tufts Non-Discrimination Policy establishes uniform guidelines in order to promote a work and educational environment at Tufts University that is free of discrimination and harassment, and to affirm the university’s commitment to equal opportunity and affirmative action. Tufts prohibits harassment and discrimination for any applicant, student, employee, patient, community member, visitor and third party because of their membership or perceived membership in a protected category. Tufts also prohibits retaliation as a result of a protected category or activity. Tufts expects all applicants, employees, students, patients, community members, visitors and third parties to join with and uphold this commitment.

Sexual Misconduct

Sexual Misconduct violates the dignity of individuals. It is a form of discrimination based on sex or gender that violates state/federal law, including federal Title IX regulations, and is prohibited by Tufts policy. In some cases, sexual misconduct can also be a violation of criminal law. Sexual misconduct is an umbrella term for many different forms of sexual misconduct including sexual harassment, sexual assault/rape, stalking, domestic violence, intimate partner/relationship violence, sex/gender-based harassment and discrimination and sexual exploitation. Tufts is committed to providing a work and educational environment free from sexual misconduct.

Accommodation Policies

Tufts University is committed to providing reasonable accommodations with regard to:

  • People with qualified disabilities
  • People with sincerely held religious beliefs
  • Nursing mothers
  • Qualified service animal requests
  • Immunization waivers for sincerely held religious beliefs

Other Policies

In the interest of maintaining a professional work and educational environment, Tufts University is also guided by the following policies:

  • Relationships with Students Policy
  • Preferred Name Policy
  • Working With One Another Policy