Student Perspectives Survey
Tufts Student Perspectives on Sexual Misconduct Survey FAQ
The Tufts Student Perspectives on Sexual Misconduct Survey is a confidential survey on student attitudes regarding campus climate; knowledge and awareness about sexual misconduct policies, reporting, and support at Tufts; and experiences, if any, with sexual misconduct while at Tufts.
Ready to take the survey?
Check your Tufts inbox for a message from to find your unique link to this confidential survey.
Survey Incentives
You could receive an iPad Air or a $25, $50 or $100 Amazon gift card. Recipients will be randomly selected from survey participants who choose to participate.
Help make this survey successful—add your voice. February 12 - March 18.

The Tufts Student Perspectives on Sexual Misconduct Survey is a confidential survey designed to gather information from Tufts students about their attitudes regarding campus climate; their knowledge and awareness about sexual misconduct policies, reporting, and support at Tufts; and their experiences, if any, with sexual misconduct while at Tufts. Tufts has partnered with Grand River Solutions, an independent third-party research firm, to conduct the survey from February 12 - March 18, 2024.
Our goal is to provide a campus environment free of sexual misconduct and sexual assault. This survey is part of an ongoing process to improve the campus climate for all students.
In 2021, the Commonwealth of Massachusetts passed the Campus Sexual Assault Law (CSAL), which requires all private and public higher education institutions in Massachusetts to conduct a campus sexual misconduct climate survey no less than every 4 years. Since Tufts has already been surveying students about sexual misconduct and campus climate since 2015, we will continue our progress towards eliminating sexual misconduct at Tufts while also maintaining compliance with this new state mandate. Past survey questions and response data can be found on the OEO website.
All full-time, degree seeking undergraduate, graduate, and professional students will be invited to participate in the survey. Tufts has contracted with Grand River Solutions, an independent third-party research and training firm, to conduct the survey and analyze the results. On February 12, students will receive a unique survey link in an email from and will be invited to participate in the survey.
Yes! Everyone who takes the survey has a chance to receive one of the following incentives:
- 2 iPad Airs
- 10 $100 Amazon gift cards
- 25 $50 Amazon gift cards
- 50 $25 Amazon gift cards
Recipients will be chosen randomly by Grand River Solutions once the survey has closed. Contact information will be shared with Tufts so we can distribute the incentives to recipients. Your contact information will NOT be connected to your survey responses.
This confidential survey doesn’t just ask about student experiences of sexual misconduct. It also asks about student connectedness to Tufts, knowledge of campus policies, awareness of campus support, and perception of campus climate. We need to hear from as many students as possible in order to keep improving Tufts’ prevention and response efforts.
On February 12, all full-time undergraduate, graduate and professional students will receive an email from with a unique survey link inviting them to complete the survey.
The survey runs from February 12-March 18.
Grand River Solutions is an independent third-party research and training firm. Tufts has contracted with them to administer the survey and analyze the results. Grand River Solutions is sending you emails from on behalf of Tufts to learn more about how sexual misconduct impacts the student community, and how we can improve our prevention and response efforts.
When you complete the survey, the link between your survey responses and your email and IP addresses will be broken so that no one will be able to connect this information with your survey responses. In addition, survey results will be presented in summary form so no individual can be identified by their responses.
This survey takes most people approximately 15 minutes to complete.
The survey is designed to allow you to stop the survey and come back at any point. However, we cannot guarantee that the survey will save all your responses if you stop and restart it, since this feature varies depending on your browser settings and cookies.
All questions in the survey are optional. You can opt out of any question you do not wish to answer.
Tufts has conducted three prior student surveys on sexual misconduct—in 2015, 2017 and 2022. The survey, called the Tufts Attitudes about Sexual Conduct Survey (TASCS), collected information about student perceptions, attitudes, and opinions about behaviors related to sexual misconduct and sexual assault. Past survey questions and response data can be found on the OEO website. In 2022, the TASCS survey received less than a 5% response rate and Tufts was unable to use the data. That’s why it’s crucial that as many students as possible participate in the 2024 survey.
The 2024 Tufts Student Perspectives on Sexual Misconduct Survey is an important opportunity to gather current data on the prevalence of sexual misconduct at Tufts, student perceptions about sexual misconduct and campus climate, and student awareness of sexual misconduct policies, resources, reporting and support.
Tufts will share a summary of survey results on the OEO website. We will have this information available at the start of the Fall 2024 semester.
Sexual Misconduct, as defined by the Tufts' Sexual Misconduct Policy, can include:
- Sex and/or Gender Discrimination
- Sexual Harassment (including a hostile environment based on sex and/or gender)
- Sexual Assault (including Non-Consensual Sexual Contact; Forced Sexual Contact; Non-Consensual Sexual Intercourse; Forced Sexual Intercourse)
- Sexual Exploitation
- Stalking
- Relationship Violence (including dating and/or domestic violence; intimate partner violence)
- Retaliation (for reporting on or being involved in any of the above)
Sexual misconduct can occur in any sex or gender configuration (i.e., between people of the same sex or between people of different sexes or genders) and regardless of actual or perceived sex, gender, gender identity, gender expression, and/or sexual orientation.
Learn more about Reporting Sexual Misconduct.
Sexual misconduct resources for all four campuses can be found in the Resources section of OEO's website.
If you would like confidential support at any time visit Confidential Support on OEO's website or contact the following offices:
The Center for Awareness, Resources, and Prevention (CARE)
- Alexandra Donovan, Director of CARE |
- Emma Fabiny Cohen, Associate Prevention and Response Specialist |
Counseling & Mental Health Service (undergraduates only)
- During regular business hours - tell the staff person who answers that it is an emergency and they will connect you to an available counselor.
- During weekends, holidays, or after hours - follow the phone prompts to be connected to a Counselor-on-Call.
Tufts University Chaplaincy (all students)
Website | 617-627-3427 (confidential)
Talk One2One Student Assistance Program (Boston or Grafton campus)
- Talk One2One is a free counseling service that provides confidential support 24/7.
- You can also schedule an in-person or telephone appointment with a trained, master’s level counselor at either the Grafton or Boston campus.
Office of Student Wellness (Boston Health Sciences students)
Mental Health & Counseling (Cummings students)
If you have additional questions about the survey that haven’t been answered in this FAQ, you can contact Kathryn Mostow, OEO Training & Education Specialist.